The Center for American Progress has published a "progressive exit strategy" for Iraq called Strategic Redeployment (PDF).
One of the things I like most about it is that it addresses head-on the fact that we will not be able to sustain our current deployment in Iraq past the end of 2006 and certainly not longer than that (see Iraq: squaring the circle for more on this). As the paper says, there are no good options anymore, there is only a choice among options trying to find what is the least bad.
I think that the Strategic Redeployment paper represents an important contribution to the national debate we need to have over Iraq.
I hope that progressives can come together to discuss this along with the plans being offered by (in alphabetical order) Wes Clark, Juan Cole, Russ Feingold, Dennis Kucinich and others, find the areas of common agreement, and start to build a consensus on how we can get out of Iraq in a way that brings about the most good we can or at least causes the least harm.