Welcome, visitors from Informed Comment! Thanks for dropping by. I'm extremely honored that Juan Cole selected me as one of a small number of genuinely diverse voices in the blogosphere that he wanted to highlight.
I've been pretty busy with work lately so updates here have been a little slow, but I would like to particularly recommend some of the following selections from my archives. These blog entries are also listed in the sidebars on the main page of this blog.
Terrorism is not Islam (more condemnations by Muslims of terrorism)
Islamic non-violence - Learn about efforts by Muslims to promote a philosophy of non-violence within the Islamic tradition
Muslim outreach events - Think that Muslims are "silent"? Read this catalog of news stories about outreach events hosted by Muslims in their communities
The "What Islam Really Says About" series:
Crime and Punishment
Forced Marriages
Honor Killing
Human Rights
Individual Freedom
Non-Muslims' Fate
Non-Muslims' Rights
Prisoners of War
My complete archives are here.
Take a look around, browse the "Further reading" section on each entry's page to find more related entries, and hopefully you'll find something new to learn or something that interests you.
Thanks for visiting!