The BBC reports that Germany has acknowledged that its conquest of Namibia and crushing of the Herero uprising in 1904 was genocide.
Another BBC article, from back in 2001, gives the history of the German colonization of Namibia:
On 2 October 1904 the German commander, General von Trotha issued the following proclamation: "I, the great general of the German troops, send this letter to the Herero people... All Hereros must leave this land... Any Herero found within the German borders with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I shall no longer receive any women or children; I will drive them back to their people. I will shoot them. This is my decision for the Herero people." The general was true to his word. The Herero were machine gunned and their wells were poisoned. Finally they were driven into the desert to die. This was how colonisation began in what is today Namibia.65,000 Herero were killed by the Germans. Namibia is seeking reparations from Germany.