I haven't worked (i.e., for paid employment) in the high tech field since 1999. But from 2002, I've been keeping my hand in, off and on, by helping out at the Movable Type support forums (do a search on username almuhajabah). And I followed that up with my Movable Type Tips blog. That's what led to my current engagement. Funny how that goes.
I signed and faxed my contract yesterday so until August 17 I've got a source of income, and hopefully we'll sign a new contract after that to continue the arrangement; this is just a trial period to see how it works out.
I'm still not sure if I should announce this on my blog, so I'll continue to remain mysterious. I am doing technical support work and get paid per successful completion of support requests. I'll be doing some training today, practicing responding to test requests but hopefully by next Monday I should be ready to jump in with some real paying work. Like I said before, this won't be a lot of money, but it'll help and my parents (who've been largely supporting me) are relieved at the lightening of their burden. Let's hope this this might lead to something more than just part-time contract work, or that I'll finally get a response to all those resumes I'm sending out, inshallah.