One of the reasons that I support Dennis Kucinich for president is that the man is absolutely fearless. Take on Enron-wannabe First Energy? Not a problem. Take on Diebold? Not a problem. Take on ABC News? Not a problem.
His latest plan is to take this Flash animation:
(click to view animation)
and air it on TV in Iowa. Yes, that is a flag-draped coffin in the image. Watch the animation. Imagine that on TV in Iowa. Now do you see what I mean by fearless? There are people who consider it "treasonous" to say that our troops have died for nothing and some of them are willing to use threats and intimidation in their campaign against it (see next post).
If you're an antiwar activist and wouldn't mind helping out Kucinich to have this message be heard, you can donate solely for the purpose of airing the ad. Go here. Remember, all you Deaniacs, if Dean has the nomination sewed up as you say, there's no harm in helping out the candidate at the bottom in the polls. Give generously.
Note: Post edited after publication to clarify meaning
Aside: Interesting Atrios comments thread from about a week ago about the Flash animation.
(click to view animation)